The Watchtower Society's archaic view of sex sums up their childlike approach to life in general.
I remember the lectures and Watchtower warnings about the evils of sex. It’s amazing I managed to become a normal adult.
Hail Caesar!
this is from the questions from readers in the 12/15/61 watchtower.
i present it unabridged and without comment.
your own comments, however, are welcome.. "when a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind.
The Watchtower Society's archaic view of sex sums up their childlike approach to life in general.
I remember the lectures and Watchtower warnings about the evils of sex. It’s amazing I managed to become a normal adult.
Hail Caesar!
this is from the questions from readers in the 12/15/61 watchtower.
i present it unabridged and without comment.
your own comments, however, are welcome.. "when a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind.
What the Watchtower Society's failed to remember, when they printed this bull-story, is that Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to be sheep. With this in mind I have researched some relevant information from ‘The beginners guide to raising sheep.’ Note the last paragraph showing that up to 10 percent of rams are homosexual; the same applies to bulls. So if the Watchtower Society's are going to look to nature for guidance in sexual matters for their young members, they had better take note. My advice to young Jehovah's Witnesses is to get stuck in while there is yet time.
Puberty is the age at which the ram's reproductive organs become functional, his secondary sex characteristics develop, and he is ready to successfully mate ewes. Most ram lambs reach puberty between 5 and 7 months of age, at 50 to 60 percent of their mature weight.
The willingness to breed ewes is highly variable among rams and can have a major impact on sheep production, especially in a single-sire mating scheme. Libido is a ram's desire to mate. It is regulated by the release of testosterone, produced by specialized cells in the testes.
Some breeds of rams show libido almost continuously once they reach puberty. In other breeds, there is a marked decline in libido during the non-breeding season. Underfed and over fat rams may show reduced libido. A ram's desire to mate also decreases with age and disease conditions, such as arthritis.
Some rams have inheritantly poor libido. In fact, studies have shown that up to 15 percent (average of 8 to 10 percent) of rams are homosexual and will not mate with ewes. Unlike heterosexual males, male-oriented rams do not experience an LH surge when exposed to estrus ewes. They also have a reduced capacity for producing testosterone.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
Fisherman 'Give examples where the wts uses the term spiritual to apply it to something material?'
The Watchtower Society confuses material things, such as congregation meetings and Bible knowledge, with spirituality.
Contributing to the Spiritual Paradise
Most people enjoy visiting a park or garden. They like to walk through it or perhaps sit on a bench and enjoy the surroundings. In a similar way, many enjoy associating with Jehovah’s Witnesses. They find the fellowship refreshing, peaceful, and restorative. However, a beautiful garden needs to be tended if it is to continue to be paradisaic. Similarly, the spiritual paradise exists in this very nonparadisaic world only because Jehovah’s Witnesses cultivate it, and God blesses their efforts. How, then, can one make a meaningful contribution to that paradise?
First, you need to associate with a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, study the Bible with them, and acquire the Bible knowledge that is the basis of the spiritual paradise. Carla noted: “There is no spiritual paradise without spiritual food.” This includes reading God’s Word regularly and thinking about what you read. The knowledge acquired will draw you closer to Jehovah God, and you will come to love him.
well we just got back from grandmas and the girls my wife and i all got presents.
my daughter was ripping through them like a madgirl and automatically my wife is like "shes being greedy"....i stood and said "no shes excited she never gets wrapped presents".
she agreed.
"GOD is like ancient Greek Gods. He must have your constant praise and adoration to function, therefore you should not be honoring a human with presents."
Steady there Blondie, unlike the Hebrew desert god - the Greek and Roman god's were real - all 300 of them!
I have Caesars word on it.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
When I was a Jehovah's Witnesses, spirituality was a word much used by the Watchtower Society. They had built an organization based on the invisible return of Christ in 1914. This event led to invisible fulfilment of prophecy upon a spiritual nation, living in an invisible spiritual paradise. The rewards that the members were so proud of could only be seen with invisible eyes of faith. It occurred to me that I was involved in a religion that, despite its appearance of being a spiritual organization, was material in its outlook. Although believing in a spiritual world, members were told they had no soul, just a physical body, and that was all they were ever going to have. They could only look forward to living forever as humans. Out of all the people that had ever lived on earth, only 144,000 were destined for heaven.
There was much speculation about what the new world would be like. This prize had to be earned through physical effort, in the form of a strict regime of canvassing and literature selling. The Society would boast about how many hundreds of millions of magazines and books they had produced. Kingdom Hall meetings did not involve silent meditation or group contemplation. Instead, they were comprised of lectures and question-and-answer programmes. All answers were pre-supplied in printed literature. There was no room for personal insight or intuition. There were no mysteries or unanswered questions. Answers to all questions could be found in indexed Watchtower Society volumes.
As the years passed, answers and rules constantly changed. The Society’s approach was more like that of a simplistic law school than that of a spiritual movement. The main requirement for continued membership was unquestioning obedience to their authority. Acceptance of its explanations and dictates was deemed to be obedience to Jehovah God. Nothing has changed in the years since I left this corrupt organization. In order to keep their status as a charity they stopped charging for literature many years ago. It is my belief, that this will utimately be their undoing.
i readthe bibleentirely and i study in the past with jw, but i have many questions and doubts about god.
(sorry for my english).
is god a god of love?
The snag is, that according to the Bible writers Jesus is the image of his father. ‘The father and I are one.’ ‘He who has seen me has seen the father.’ And so on. If we discount all the statements that he Bible credits to Jesus, we might as well burn the ancient book and stick to factual reading.
Filling our brain with a Dose-of-Dawkings is a better recipe for mental health.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
Well, I am blown away by your contributions to this ‘Generation thread’. Although it’s a subject that has been reviewed before, it goes to the heart of the framework that the Watchtower Society has based the reason for its existence upon.
The Watchtower Society claim to be Jehovah’s modern day prophet. Has it delivered or is it a false prophet? People still caught up in the Watchtower Society's grip will benefit from all your research and comments. Thank you again.
so bring it on, and lay the evidence on me, kate (but perhaps you should start a new thread).-adam.
it does not prove god exists, there is no substantial evidence god is real.
if one is a self labeled atheist, one has no desire to see gods fingerprints in organic chemistry.
Well done adamah We could be on to something here.
We humans have struggled along on our own for too long.
Perhaps we need a - Get Gods Back to Work Campaign.
so bring it on, and lay the evidence on me, kate (but perhaps you should start a new thread).-adam.
it does not prove god exists, there is no substantial evidence god is real.
if one is a self labeled atheist, one has no desire to see gods fingerprints in organic chemistry.
Why are you believers so hung-up on one God? If you are going to do the God thing, why not have at least 20 Gods and Goddesses? Gods and Goddesses work much harder for you when they have to compete to stay on the list.
Nothing sharpens their performance more than the threat of redundancy. They have to earn their keep like anyone else. It’s not as though they’re busy creating the world any more. They can’t just swan around in heaven all day eating ambrosia and passing judgment on hard working people. In my day Caesar was never so lenient. Lazy Gods got thrown to the lions!
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
Fisherman What do you think is the move (change). How can GC be defined and keep 'this generation"
The Watchtower Society missed their chance to wriggle out of their failed claims back in 1995. During that century the faithful men of old had not returned physically as promised. The promised return of Jesus to earth had been explained away as an invisible return that they had failed to notice. It was now claimed that many of the promises regarding Israel had been fulfilled on the Witnesses in a spiritual or pictorial way. The promised paradise was, for now, a spiritual paradise. It would have only been one step more for the Society to declare that Armageddon was to be fought in a spiritual realm and would be one more invisible fulfilment not seen by the membership. In other words invisible, unseen, imagined. The Watchtower Society could have written another book explaining that Armageddon had already taken place invisibly but they had missed this event too, but could explain it all, using that wonderful tool of hindsight. Perhaps giving the due apology for having encouraged some of the older members to spend their lives speculating about how many days or years make up a generation. Instead they said:
Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah’s people have at times speculated about the time when the ‘great tribulation’ would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However we ‘bring a heart of wisdom in.’ Not by speculating about how many days or years make up a generation, but by thinking about how we ‘count our days’ in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 90:12) Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term ‘generation’ as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historic period, with their identifying characteristics. Is anything to be gained, then, by looking for dates or by speculating about the literal lifetime of a ‘generation’? Far from it! Therefore, in the final fulfilment of Jesus’ prophecy today, ‘this generation’ apparently refers to the people of the earth who see the sign of Christ’s presence but fail to mend their ways. Does our more precise viewpoint on ‘this Generation’ mean that Armageddon is further away than we had thought? Not at all! The Watchtower 1 November 1995 - pages 17-20
Not at all! What a whopping great pork pie.